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Server Rules

Server Rules

Player Names

Your in-game name is yours and yours alone. To ensure we are all on the same page, in-game player names may not contain any of the below mentioned examples:

  1. Abusive or derogatory terms, that is targeted towards a specific player.
  2. Slurs or profanity of any sort.
  3. Impersonation of another player (even mock type names).
  4. Inappropriate names (Hitler, SS Soldier etc).
  5. Obscure characters that are difficult to see via our RM software or difficult to see in-game.
Although not a hard rule, we will suggest that default names such as "Player" or "Spieler" etc, are change to a more unique name for a better experience.

Game Chat

In-game text chat is an easy place to upset someone if they're not on the same page as you. As such, the following is forbidden in the in-game chat, with the warning a player will receive if they break the rule mentioned in brackets next to it:

  1. Swearing
  2. Excessive Insulting
  3. Racism
  4. Spamming
  5. Recruiting or advertising (unless arranged prior)
  6. Hackusations.
  7. Weapon Insulting.
  8. Politics & Discussion Thereof.
  9. Abuse of Discord Admin Command.

1. Swearing:
Any form of swearing is covered by this rule. If it's in the sailors book, it's swearing. If someone swears in another language and we find out, action will be taken accordingly.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for swearing:
Please keep your chat clean | Kicked for using inappropriate language | Banned for using inappropriate language.

2. Excessive insulting:
Usage of slurs, slang or otherwise derogatory comments directed at players.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for excessive insulting:
Please keep your chat clean | Kicked for using inappropriate language | Banned for using inappropriate language.

3. Racism:
Any prejudice, discrimination or antagonism displayed by a player against a player with regard to their race, religion, orientation etc.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for racism:
Please keep your chat clean | Kicked for using inappropriate language | Banned for using inappropriate language.

4. Spamming:
Repeating the same message multiple times, either via the text-chat itself or the in-game radio commands.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for spamming:
Please keep your don't chat spam | Kicked for using chat spamming | Banned for using chat spamming.

5. Recruiting or advertising:
Any form of marketing other communities, platforms, services etc. Attempting to poach HelloClan members for one's own community.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for recruiting or advertising:
Please keep your don't chat spam | Kicked for using chat spamming | Banned for using chat spamming.

6. Hackusations:
Accusing other players of using in-game hacks that allow an unfair advantage.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for hackusations:
Do not accuse players of hacking | Kicked for hacking accusations | Banned for hacking accusations.

7. Weapon Insulting:
Any comment with regard to a player's choice in weapons that is in a negative light. Utterances like "noob" is allowed until it becomes excessive.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for weapon insulting:
Please keep your chat clean | Kicked for using inappropriate language | Banned for using inappropriate language.

8. Politics & Discussion Thereof:
Politics is best left to politicians, we as opinions vary so much it is very easy to lead chat astray and create a toxic environment of clashing opinions. Thus we do not allow political discussions in our servers.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for Politics:
Please keep your don't chat spam | Kicked for using chat spamming | Banned for using chat spamming.

9. Abusing Discord Admin Command:
This command may only be used when the circumstance requires it. If it is abused, the player will be blacklisted from using the command for a period dependent upon severity. Please note that this does not replace the function of reporting players if no admin is available.

All of these offenses are of the same nature. Thus, if someone shoots a friendly vehicle and gets kicked, then comes back to main rape they will be banned. This applies only if the intent was malevolent in nature. As is to be expected though, admin discretion will be used in all circumstances. An Admin may warn the user if they choose to, but it is not mandatory.

1. The player will be kicked as soon as the offense is committed.

2. Should the player keep it up after they have been kicked, they will be banned for a minimum of 24hrs. If they are a repeat offender, their ban time may be adjusted accordingly.

Game Based Offences

To ensure that all our players have a fair and fun time, we encourage a certain degree of cordiality. As such, the following is not allowed on our server:

  1. Disruptive play (see more info below)
  2. Team-killing
  3. Shooting friendly vehicles
  4. Glitching
  5. Excessive team-switching

1. Disruptive play:
  1. Putting your team at a distinct disadvantage by taking vehicles, but not using them to fight.
  2. Taking a tunnel and refusing to place it.
  3. Hiding at the end of the map as one of the last players alive on your team.
  4. Not attempting to take a flag as the last surviving member of your team.
  5. Taking a vehicle as one team and deliberately giving it to the other team.
  6. Destroying a tunnel/spawnbox belonging to your team.
  7. Placing C4 at main flags.
Admin warn, kick & ban message for disruptive play:
Please do not play disruptively | Kicked for disrupting gameplay | Banned for disrupting gameplay.

2. Team-killing:
  1. Blowing up a vehicle with a teammate nearby.
  2. Deliberately crashing a vehicle with a teammate inside.
  3. Deliberately crashing a vehicle into a teammate.
Admin warn, kick & ban message for team-killing:
Please do not play disruptively | Kicked for disrupting gameplay | Banned for disrupting gameplay.

3. Shooting friendly vehicles:
Shooting a vehicle belonging to your team for any reason other than preventing an enemy who is about to get it/to re-spawn it as it is damaged and can't easily be repaired/killing the enemy near or in it.

Admin warn, kick & ban message for shooting friendly vehicles:
Please do not play disruptively | Kicked for disrupting gameplay | Banned for disrupting gameplay.

4. Glitching:
  1. Any glitches in a map that give a player an unfair advantage, usually by providing them a way to kill players without the players they target being able to shoot back, are classed as glitching.

  2. Shooting through walls, being in walls and under floors are all considered glitching. Mortar jumping is not classed as a glitch as the player has no real unfair advantage.
Admin warn, kick & ban message for glitching:
Please stop using map glitch | Kicked for using map glitch | Banned for using map glitch.

5. Excessive team-switching:
The ability to team-switch is a great thing to have in game. However, it can be used malevolently. It can also indirectly cause unnecessary frustration to other players who are trying to stay on their own team but are thrown back and forth due to other players switching in an excessive manner. If you are auto switched, please try stay on the team you are sent to, we'd like to keep the team's as balanced as possible.

Admin warn, kick & ban messages for excessive team-switching:
Please stop team-switching | Kicked for excessive team-switching | Banned for excessive team-switching.

All of these offenses are of the same nature. Thus, if someone shoots a friendly vehicle and gets kicked, then comes back to main rape they will be banned. This applies only if the intent was malevolent in nature. As is to be expected though, admin discretion will be used in all circumstances. An Admin may warn the user if they choose to, but it is not mandatory.

1. The player will be kicked as soon as the offense is committed.

2. Should the player keep it up after they have been kicked, they will be banned for a minimum of 24hrs. If they are a repeat offender, their ban time may be adjusted accordingly.


If you need to step away from your PC for a few moments, we recommend that you got to spectator mode (bear in mind you will loose your score) until you return. If you are AFK and not in spectator mode, the following will happen;

  1. The player will be asked if they are playing. This will be through yellow admin chat or in-game, both count as sufficient warning. Should they respond, nothing further will happen.

  2. Should the player not respond after being given a sufficient amount of time, or should they still fall under any of the below conditions, the player will be kicked.
At least one of the following conditions need to be met for us to decide a player is AFK.

1. a) The player must have a score of 0 0 0, signifying they've made no game-play actions.

1. b) The player must have no kit beside their name, signifying they haven't spawned.

1. c) The player must have a greyed out name for at least a few minutes, signifying they've not joined.

Additional notes​

There are a few more extra things to cover in order to be thorough, if you wish to see these please click on the spoiler below. It covers bans & ban topics, ban evasion, admin discretion and a disclaimer that all the above is an example.

Ban's & Ban Topics:

An Admin must make a ban topic, irrespective of banishment period, in the Ban List forum (viewable here) within 24 hours of the ban being made. These must also contain the relevant evidence needed.

Ban evasion:

Should a player be banned and they attempt to circumvent their ban by making use of dubious methods, they will find any and all new CD-Keys banned as well as additional info to prevent them from entering the game until their ban has been served. Should they truly persevere, they may find themselves banned for a month on top of their original ban just for the evasion.

Admin discretion:

As mentioned in the above topic, Admins have the sole right to use their discretion when dealing with rule breakers. They are entitled to apply just punishment should the need arise. Should there be any unfair treatment, you may discretely report an Admin here: https://forum.helloclan.eu/staff/report

The above is just an example:

The above mentioned rules and examples thereof serve merely as a guideline for all players to know what is mainly do and do not. There exists a line between the rules and this is the reason the Admins reserve the right to use their discretion when they come across a player attempting to blur the lines between right and wrong.
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