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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_oil_fields - 2024-01-18 20:55:01 Chatlog
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[2024-01-18 20:55:48] MimoBiH: next map
[2024-01-18 20:55:54] Krazy8: ye they need to remove homosexuals and it will be ok
[2024-01-18 20:56:05] BadAim: I miss aX
[2024-01-18 20:56:11] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Noooo, same old maps. It gets old
[2024-01-18 20:56:17] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Then, everyone splits
[2024-01-18 20:56:18] B L I T Z K R I E G: i miss aX so much too
[2024-01-18 20:56:32] Krazy8: shit i never played there
[2024-01-18 20:56:39] B L I T Z K R I E G: simple and moon only have population cause aX died
[2024-01-18 20:56:42] BadAim: it was fantastic
[2024-01-18 20:56:52] B L I T Z K R I E G: aX used to have 64/64 every night
[2024-01-18 20:56:54] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Ax was hilarious
[2024-01-18 20:57:00] BadAim: some people are tryna revive it but not doing it correctly
[2024-01-18 20:57:01] Krazy8: moon is commie dump too
[2024-01-18 20:57:10] B L I T Z K R I E G: i want to revive it
[2024-01-18 20:57:20] Krazy8: badaim how to do it correctly
[2024-01-18 20:57:20] Basilone: tanks n planes is great coop
[2024-01-18 20:57:21] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Yea, i spent all night tryna change my ip to get in there
[2024-01-18 20:57:26] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Then just said fugg it
[2024-01-18 20:57:40] B L I T Z K R I E G: BadAim do you have discord
[2024-01-18 20:57:43] BadAim: they have it packed full of bots
[2024-01-18 20:57:46] BadAim: yeah I do
[2024-01-18 20:57:48] Trium-spain: traducciton
[2024-01-18 20:57:54] B L I T Z K R I E G: what is your discord
[2024-01-18 20:57:59] Krazy8: ye the bots
[2024-01-18 20:58:05] Basilone: humans will be bots soon
[2024-01-18 20:58:07] BadAim: Waltronus #8903
[2024-01-18 20:58:11] Krazy8: lol
[2024-01-18 20:58:20] Krazy8: waltuh
[2024-01-18 20:58:24] J3Flyer: what is you bank account login and password?
[2024-01-18 20:58:35] Krazy8: and penis size
[2024-01-18 20:58:41] Trium-spain: no english ban
[2024-01-18 20:58:45] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOL
[2024-01-18 20:58:48] BadAim: I share a joint account with your mom
[2024-01-18 20:58:59] B L I T Z K R I E G: BadAim i added you
[2024-01-18 20:59:03] BadAim: kk
[2024-01-18 20:59:13] Krazy8: badaim so what made the aX great
[2024-01-18 20:59:15] B L I T Z K R I E G: i am also interested in your penis size too while were here
[2024-01-18 20:59:21] Krazy8: xD
[2024-01-18 20:59:37] B L I T Z K R I E G: Krazy8, ask fisherman son, he know literally all the details of
[2024-01-18 20:59:40] B L I T Z K R I E G: aX
[2024-01-18 20:59:41] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Standard white guy size
[2024-01-18 21:00:05] Krazy8: yes but i want this guy opninio too
[2024-01-18 21:00:48] Trium-spain: ayyy
[2024-01-18 21:00:50] B L I T Z K R I E G: aX was great cause of map rotation, no admin, auto kick for tke
[2024-01-18 21:00:50] B L I T Z K R I E G: tkers
[2024-01-18 21:00:56] MimoBiH: oj spain
[2024-01-18 21:00:59] Krazy8: fisherman is like a mafia leader from sopranos
[2024-01-18 21:01:01] BadAim: it was perfect
[2024-01-18 21:01:07] B L I T Z K R I E G: hahhha he is
[2024-01-18 21:01:08] Basilone: why blue no go for red home base
[2024-01-18 21:01:17] B L I T Z K R I E G: he is not the nicest guy, but he is useful
[2024-01-18 21:01:18] J3Flyer: i should watch the sopronaos
[2024-01-18 21:01:33] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Yea, none of that "!kdisB 18" bullshit every 20 seconds
[2024-01-18 21:01:36] B L I T Z K R I E G: he is the enforcer in my discord
[2024-01-18 21:01:49] Krazy8: :D
[2024-01-18 21:01:55] B L I T Z K R I E G: he has lot of knowledge
[2024-01-18 21:02:01] wildcard: so many players attacking mains smh
[2024-01-18 21:02:05] BadAim: I know! if there is a auto system to do it no admins need to on
[2024-01-18 21:02:08] BadAim: top of it
[2024-01-18 21:02:08] B L I T Z K R I E G: its ironic, aX had no admin yet was still most popular 1942 ser
[2024-01-18 21:02:17] Basilone: not supposed to on conquest
[2024-01-18 21:02:30] B L I T Z K R I E G: simple and moon only have players cause aX died
[2024-01-18 21:02:33] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: THeres a new ax server. Dont know why no one is going there
[2024-01-18 21:02:34] B L I T Z K R I E G: and they still treat us all like shit
[2024-01-18 21:02:35] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: I peeped it out
[2024-01-18 21:02:38] Krazy8: but why the fk no admins ?
[2024-01-18 21:02:47] BadAim: I will never understand why people care so much about main
[2024-01-18 21:03:00] B L I T Z K R I E G: i went to new aX a few times, only ever saw one other human the
[2024-01-18 21:03:03] B L I T Z K R I E G: there
[2024-01-18 21:03:15] J3Flyer: moon is good
[2024-01-18 21:03:25] BadAim: moon is decent
[2024-01-18 21:03:26] Krazy8: nah
[2024-01-18 21:03:30] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: I think we should all group up one night, and join in
[2024-01-18 21:03:31] Krazy8: dude
[2024-01-18 21:03:32] B L I T Z K R I E G: moon is ok but it still has tyrannical admins
[2024-01-18 21:03:38] Krazy8: i got ban there cuz i talked religion
[2024-01-18 21:03:42] BadAim: agreed
[2024-01-18 21:03:42] B L I T Z K R I E G: yes we should do that WHORES
[2024-01-18 21:03:49] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: :D
[2024-01-18 21:04:00] B L I T Z K R I E G: we can do that on the weeend
[2024-01-18 21:04:02] B L I T Z K R I E G: weekend
[2024-01-18 21:04:08] Krazy8: do wat
[2024-01-18 21:04:09] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Id be down 100%
[2024-01-18 21:04:17] BadAim: simple got TheGreatEscapes players which explains their issues.
[2024-01-18 21:04:17] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: All group up in new ax server
[2024-01-18 21:04:18] B L I T Z K R I E G: group session on new AX
[2024-01-18 21:04:37] Krazy8: hmm yeh sure
[2024-01-18 21:04:39] B L I T Z K R I E G: arent TGE the boyfriend of simple?
[2024-01-18 21:04:46] Krazy8: i read there is event on their discord
[2024-01-18 21:05:02] Krazy8: on "ax"
[2024-01-18 21:05:08] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Im ip'd from that one, and moon
[2024-01-18 21:05:18] Trium-spain: mimo move
[2024-01-18 21:05:18] VliegjesGehakt: sryw
[2024-01-18 21:05:22] B L I T Z K R I E G: new aX is run by a player called Denny
[2024-01-18 21:05:22] MimoBiH: hahaha
[2024-01-18 21:05:31] MimoBiH: this it my spon
[2024-01-18 21:05:34] Godzi: ldiot
[2024-01-18 21:05:57] Trium-spain: next map
[2024-01-18 21:05:57] BadAim: oh
[2024-01-18 21:05:58] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Yea, cu the mines are labeled Enemy/allie. Im an idiot LOL
[2024-01-18 21:06:19] Trium-spain: badamin you admin
[2024-01-18 21:06:19] B L I T Z K R I E G: this server is the right balance of fun and order
[2024-01-18 21:06:21] BadAim: what happened that killed aX btw?
[2024-01-18 21:06:29] BadAim: no not admin
[2024-01-18 21:06:35] B L I T Z K R I E G: you can still have fun, but there is enough order to prevent ha
[2024-01-18 21:06:36] B L I T Z K R I E G: jackers
[2024-01-18 21:06:36] B L I T Z K R I E G: hackers
[2024-01-18 21:06:40] Trium-spain: yes you admin
[2024-01-18 21:06:52] Trium-spain: ban mimo
[2024-01-18 21:06:59] B L I T Z K R I E G: aX died cause the server owner quit
[2024-01-18 21:07:02] MimoBiH: lol spain why
[2024-01-18 21:07:03] Trium-spain: maniac spain
[2024-01-18 21:07:07] B L I T Z K R I E G: and it got overrun by hackers, airfield glitch
[2024-01-18 21:07:17] J3Flyer: oh sorry
[2024-01-18 21:07:21] B L I T Z K R I E G: someone DDOS the aX server
[2024-01-18 21:07:22] BadAim: ahh
[2024-01-18 21:07:52] Basilone: stay out of main in conquest mimo
[2024-01-18 21:08:29] Trium-spain: byeee
[2024-01-18 21:08:48] BadAim: nice shot
[2024-01-18 21:08:52] Krazy8: apcs can swim thats realistic
[2024-01-18 21:09:20] Krazy8: lol
[2024-01-18 21:09:20] Basilone: bradleys can swim also
[2024-01-18 21:09:27] Basilone: just not in this mod
[2024-01-18 21:09:33] J3Flyer: yes try it
[2024-01-18 21:09:37] Krazy8: nah they cant
[2024-01-18 21:09:39] Basilone: real life
[2024-01-18 21:09:58] Krazy8: only based russian apcs can swim
[2024-01-18 21:10:04] BadAim: sry
[2024-01-18 21:10:33] B L I T Z K R I E G: based Russia
[2024-01-18 21:10:41] Krazy8: yes
[2024-01-18 21:10:49] Krazy8: basilone where u get that information
[2024-01-18 21:11:01] Basilone: yeah they removed that pretty stupid
[2024-01-18 21:11:08] BF2024: removed what?
[2024-01-18 21:11:19] szamba77: lollll
[2024-01-18 21:11:25] Basilone: the m113 could swim - I drove it through a river
[2024-01-18 21:11:44] Basilone: that what you get for ignoring the mine symbol
[2024-01-18 21:11:55] Krazy8: but can it swim in reality?
[2024-01-18 21:12:21] Basilone: not any more they changed it
[2024-01-18 21:12:21] Krazy8: :D
[2024-01-18 21:12:24] B L I T Z K R I E G: hahaa
[2024-01-18 21:12:26] Basilone: dumbass americans
[2024-01-18 21:12:40] Krazy8: basilone my man listen
[2024-01-18 21:12:49] J3Flyer: I thought the french were dumbasses?
[2024-01-18 21:12:50] Krazy8: can bradley swim in real life ?
[2024-01-18 21:13:03] Basilone: i justr said not anymore
[2024-01-18 21:13:11] Basilone: usa changed that
[2024-01-18 21:13:11] Krazy8: IN REAL LIFE
[2024-01-18 21:13:12] B L I T Z K R I E G: only dumbass country is whatever country Ferd Grapperhaus
[2024-01-18 21:13:13] B L I T Z K R I E G: comes from
[2024-01-18 21:13:34] Krazy8: dutch
[2024-01-18 21:13:34] Basilone: russia never forgot lessons from ww2
[2024-01-18 21:13:38] Krazy8: homocountry
[2024-01-18 21:13:49] B L I T Z K R I E G: hahaha
[2024-01-18 21:13:51] Basilone: as far as design goes
[2024-01-18 21:13:52] Krazy8: :D
[2024-01-18 21:14:16] Krazy8: what lesson
[2024-01-18 21:14:24] Basilone: germanski taught them well
[2024-01-18 21:14:27] Krazy8: russia tought lesson in ww2
[2024-01-18 21:14:28] B L I T Z K R I E G: russia learnt that u cant assault urban centre with tanks
[2024-01-18 21:14:34] BF2024: kick the afker lol
[2024-01-18 21:14:56] Krazy8: kick him ?
[2024-01-18 21:14:59] wildcard: kick the cheater
[2024-01-18 21:15:00] B L I T Z K R I E G: they learnt that in Chechnya as well
[2024-01-18 21:15:18] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: HOW DARE YOU
[2024-01-18 21:15:20] BF2024: wildcard once again breakig rules
[2024-01-18 21:15:20] Krazy8: get some
[2024-01-18 21:15:29] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: I dont want any
[2024-01-18 21:15:34] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Have mercy
[2024-01-18 21:15:44] wildcard: cry cry cry
[2024-01-18 21:15:47] BF2024: yes u do
[2024-01-18 21:15:54] Krazy8: xD
[2024-01-18 21:15:56] BadAim: how u no die to my mine
[2024-01-18 21:15:57] BF2024: 1 death then afk lol
[2024-01-18 21:15:58] B L I T Z K R I E G: hahahhah
[2024-01-18 21:16:00] wildcard: i
[2024-01-18 21:16:04] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: i need safespace
[2024-01-18 21:16:23] wildcard: you always give me a good laugh
[2024-01-18 21:16:34] BF2024: oh trust me, u do the same for me
[2024-01-18 21:16:48] BF2024: the "how long will he go afk" game
[2024-01-18 21:16:50] Krazy8: i dont trust u
[2024-01-18 21:17:11] BF2024: stare at ur screen and type instead of playing
[2024-01-18 21:17:29] Krazy8: so ?
[2024-01-18 21:17:48] wildcard: not just me a lot of players know what you are
[2024-01-18 21:17:56] BF2024: "think"
[2024-01-18 21:18:09] BF2024: you dont know anything
[2024-01-18 21:18:11] BF2024: u just think
[2024-01-18 21:18:14] J3Flyer: what is he?
[2024-01-18 21:18:18] Krazy8: whos this guy
[2024-01-18 21:18:31] sanchez: his name is jim
[2024-01-18 21:18:34] BF2024: lol no
[2024-01-18 21:18:39] wildcard: youre obvious
[2024-01-18 21:18:47] BF2024: youre uninformed
[2024-01-18 21:18:59] J3Flyer: oh that guy
[2024-01-18 21:19:01] wildcard: lol
[2024-01-18 21:19:02] sanchez: Ia guy banned for hacking
[2024-01-18 21:19:07] BF2024: not me
[2024-01-18 21:19:09] :): Not jim.
[2024-01-18 21:19:12] sanchez: lol
[2024-01-18 21:19:17] :): That's not jim sanchez.
[2024-01-18 21:19:24] BF2024: ^
[2024-01-18 21:19:49] :): I have jim banned here as well.
[2024-01-18 21:19:55] sanchez: I am not acusing just saying
[2024-01-18 21:19:58] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: WE WIN
[2024-01-18 21:19:59] sanchez: lol
[2024-01-18 21:20:01] :): He is a cheating punk, and not allowed ;)
[2024-01-18 21:20:01] BF2024: that would be accusing
[2024-01-18 21:20:06] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: i like the new oildfields ctf map
[2024-01-18 21:20:13] sanchez: this guy is FIRE then
[2024-01-18 21:20:13] :): Thanks bill
[2024-01-18 21:20:24] :): im actully going to add spawnable lda/tech
[2024-01-18 21:20:25] :): into it
[2024-01-18 21:20:28] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: prefer it lol
[2024-01-18 21:20:34] Basilone: hi bang
[2024-01-18 21:20:38] BF2024: whats the new oil fields ctf?

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