Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Hastings - 2021-03-23 17:36:32 Chatlog
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[2021-03-23 17:37:50] Rbilly: why restart
[2021-03-23 17:38:15] -[HELLO]-Vmax: you guys voted it
[2021-03-23 17:39:33] Bone Collector: lol
[2021-03-23 17:42:15] -[HELLO]-Vmax: do you know AiR Piet Stargate?
[2021-03-23 17:42:28] -[HELLO]-Vmax: we trying to track him down
[2021-03-23 17:42:46] turk_komando: ALLAN
[2021-03-23 17:42:47] turk_komando: sal
[2021-03-23 17:42:51] turk_komando: sana dusmuyom bilerek
[2021-03-23 17:42:53] turk_komando: ramlemem lazim
[2021-03-23 17:43:02] turk_komando: yavsak :D
[2021-03-23 17:43:09] AllaN: .d
[2021-03-23 17:44:10] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 17:44:28] AllaN: roketi sen mi attin
[2021-03-23 17:44:32] turk_komando: evet
[2021-03-23 17:44:50] Tomahawk (URU): fk
[2021-03-23 17:45:26] paranoid: ahahha
[2021-03-23 17:45:41] nuke: u died also;)
[2021-03-23 17:45:42] turk_komando: gel gel
[2021-03-23 17:45:46] turk_komando: gel
[2021-03-23 17:46:53] turk_komando: ahaha
[2021-03-23 17:46:55] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 17:46:58] AllaN: hay amk
[2021-03-23 17:47:06] paranoid: ahahaha
[2021-03-23 17:48:02] turk_komando: lan
[2021-03-23 17:48:04] turk_komando: kivrak
[2021-03-23 17:48:05] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 17:48:29] turk_komando: gel gel
[2021-03-23 17:48:37] turk_komando: atladin mi lan
[2021-03-23 17:48:52] AllaN: ayp
[2021-03-23 17:48:52] turk_komando: asdsDSA:AD:AD:S
[2021-03-23 17:48:57] turk_komando: gel gel
[2021-03-23 17:49:19] turk_komando: dalis yapsan alirsin beni
[2021-03-23 17:49:44] turk_komando: gel
[2021-03-23 17:50:09] turk_komando: bir daha
[2021-03-23 17:50:34] turk_komando: gel
[2021-03-23 17:51:00] paranoid: bamus
[2021-03-23 17:51:06] AllaN: goremyorum ki
[2021-03-23 17:51:07] nuke: i killed you
[2021-03-23 17:51:11] paranoid: me2
[2021-03-23 17:51:13] turk_komando: kill caldi
[2021-03-23 17:51:14] turk_komando: amk cocu :D
[2021-03-23 17:51:22] turk_komando: benimdin
[2021-03-23 17:51:28] turk_komando: btr ile ates ediyom sana amk
[2021-03-23 17:51:56] turk_komando: aha
[2021-03-23 17:52:11] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 17:52:41] turk_komando: allan el
[2021-03-23 17:52:41] paranoid: haha
[2021-03-23 17:52:42] turk_komando: ge
[2021-03-23 17:52:44] turk_komando: l
[2021-03-23 17:53:00] AllaN: vay amk
[2021-03-23 17:53:01] turk_komando: gtnden asdlkslksak
[2021-03-23 17:53:03] AllaN: helal
[2021-03-23 17:53:05] turk_komando: eyw
[2021-03-23 17:53:07] turk_komando: SDLKJDJ
[2021-03-23 17:53:10] turk_komando: dalis yap
[2021-03-23 17:53:14] turk_komando: taktik vereyim
[2021-03-23 17:53:18] turk_komando: en gge yksel
[2021-03-23 17:53:24] turk_komando: sonra burnu asagi ver bana dogru, dal
[2021-03-23 17:53:28] turk_komando: tm bombalari patlat stmde
[2021-03-23 17:53:48] Batman: ups
[2021-03-23 17:55:16] turk_komando: ULAN
[2021-03-23 17:55:20] turk_komando: bak grdn demi
[2021-03-23 17:55:33] turk_komando: araci patlattin
[2021-03-23 17:55:48] turk_komando: az kaldi can
[2021-03-23 17:57:03] AllaN: mig belami sikti
[2021-03-23 17:57:08] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 17:57:13] turk_komando: migi ben almiyom su an
[2021-03-23 17:57:20] turk_komando: ramlicem diye baskasi aldi
[2021-03-23 17:57:33] turk_komando: o dalma taktigi ise yariyor demi
[2021-03-23 17:58:03] turk_komando: helal
[2021-03-23 17:58:04] AllaN: yariyormus
[2021-03-23 17:58:05] turk_komando: gzeldi
[2021-03-23 17:58:07] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 17:58:08] paranoid: BAUS
[2021-03-23 17:58:11] paranoid: BAMUS
[2021-03-23 17:59:38] AllaN: n1
[2021-03-23 18:00:00] paranoid: ahaahaha
[2021-03-23 18:00:02] paranoid: thx
[2021-03-23 18:00:04] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 18:03:56] Jum_P: temple tank
[2021-03-23 18:04:03] Rbilly: bone collector stole MI8
[2021-03-23 18:05:42] turk_komando: LAN
[2021-03-23 18:05:43] turk_komando: KACMA
[2021-03-23 18:07:39] -[HELLO]-Vmax: got to go to work so cyas and gg
[2021-03-23 18:07:44] paranoid: cy
[2021-03-23 18:07:47] HP: bb
[2021-03-23 18:07:47] RichterDredd: bs
[2021-03-23 18:08:03] AllaN: bb
[2021-03-23 18:08:03] Tomahawk (URU): o/
[2021-03-23 18:09:45] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 18:09:48] turk_komando: nereye yzyon
[2021-03-23 18:09:52] AllaN: amk
[2021-03-23 18:09:54] turk_komando: :DDDDD
[2021-03-23 18:09:58] turk_komando: dc ye kazak geldi
[2021-03-23 18:10:01] turk_komando: duydun demi
[2021-03-23 18:10:06] AllaN: evet
[2021-03-23 18:10:20] turk_komando: milliyetci duygularim kabardi
[2021-03-23 18:10:27] AllaN: :d
[2021-03-23 18:10:29] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 18:10:46] turk_komando: zaten milliyetci bir adamim, kazak grnce memnun oldum selam
[2021-03-23 18:10:46] turk_komando: verdi
[2021-03-23 18:10:49] AllaN: hay amk anca caps acmayi unutuyom
[2021-03-23 18:10:50] turk_komando: duydun demi :D
[2021-03-23 18:10:52] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: hahahah
[2021-03-23 18:10:56] turk_komando: caps ta ne var
[2021-03-23 18:10:59] AllaN: hee
[2021-03-23 18:11:05] AllaN: .d
[2021-03-23 18:11:10] AllaN: :D
[2021-03-23 18:11:17] turk_komando: arkadas ekleyem onu ben
[2021-03-23 18:11:23] turk_komando: :D
[2021-03-23 18:11:28] paranoid: no
[2021-03-23 18:12:03] turk_komando: richterrr
[2021-03-23 18:14:05] turk_komando: duydun demi
[2021-03-23 18:14:07] AllaN: yat assagi
[2021-03-23 18:14:12] turk_komando: duydun demi
[2021-03-23 18:14:14] turk_komando: dedigimi :D
[2021-03-23 18:14:31] turk_komando: HAHAHAH
[2021-03-23 18:14:34] paranoid: ahahah
[2021-03-23 18:14:34] turk_komando: HAHAHA
[2021-03-23 18:14:41] turk_komando: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[2021-03-23 18:14:43] turk_komando: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[2021-03-23 18:14:44] turk_komando: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
[2021-03-23 18:14:45] turk_komando: HAAAAAA
[2021-03-23 18:14:45] Rbilly: flags
[2021-03-23 18:14:50] paranoid: aahahahahah
[2021-03-23 18:15:00] Batman: alfred
[2021-03-23 18:15:08] Batman: alfred
[2021-03-23 18:15:10] turk_komando: hasan
[2021-03-23 18:15:14] turk_komando: sana dedigimi duydun demi
[2021-03-23 18:15:17] AllaN: he
[2021-03-23 18:15:21] turk_komando: sensin o :d
[2021-03-23 18:15:24] AllaN: evet
[2021-03-23 18:15:25] turk_komando: adasdkjssj
[2021-03-23 18:16:02] turk_komando: atla
[2021-03-23 18:16:03] turk_komando: hop in
[2021-03-23 18:16:05] turk_komando: hop in
[2021-03-23 18:16:57] paranoid: hahaha
[2021-03-23 18:17:02] nuke: i killed u
[2021-03-23 18:17:13] paranoid: me2
[2021-03-23 18:17:40] nuke: got u
[2021-03-23 18:17:43] paranoid: me2
[2021-03-23 18:17:58] turk_komando: tapinak
[2021-03-23 18:18:19] turk_komando: i said temple in turkish
[2021-03-23 18:18:19] RichterDredd: pina? as in pina colada?
[2021-03-23 18:18:20] turk_komando: lol
[2021-03-23 18:18:23] Rbilly: hp quit shootin feet
[2021-03-23 18:18:26] turk_komando: i dunno what is pina
[2021-03-23 18:18:28] RichterDredd: what the hec
[2021-03-23 18:18:42] HP: ur nails were dirty
[2021-03-23 18:18:49] RichterDredd: ridicolous word filter
[2021-03-23 18:19:14] nuke: got u good
[2021-03-23 18:19:28] nuke: we win
[2021-03-23 18:19:36] nuke: usa all the way
[2021-03-23 18:20:12] RichterDredd: as in violation of all conventions?
[2021-03-23 18:20:16] RichterDredd: yeah, all the way!
[2021-03-23 18:20:30] Rbilly: they tag teamin
[2021-03-23 18:21:45] Tomahawk (URU): HYPER come back!!
[2021-03-23 18:22:40] paranoid: wow
[2021-03-23 18:22:42] paranoid: u rat
[2021-03-23 18:22:43] nuke: )
[2021-03-23 18:22:43] turk_komando: cnp msn lan
[2021-03-23 18:22:44] turk_komando: hasan
[2021-03-23 18:22:52] paranoid: need another ban for that LOL
[2021-03-23 18:22:52] AllaN: yoo
[2021-03-23 18:22:57] turk_komando: senin yznden
[2021-03-23 18:23:03] nuke: lol i wasnt banned
[2021-03-23 18:23:03] turk_komando: takima geldik lanetin coktu :D
[2021-03-23 18:23:12] paranoid: yes u was

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