Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps v1.21 - Operation Flaming Dart - 2021-02-06 18:28:54 Chatlog
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[2021-02-06 18:30:05] BATTLE FROG: paranoid you are nothing
[2021-02-06 18:30:14] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: hahaa
[2021-02-06 18:30:19] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: why
[2021-02-06 18:30:22] paranoid: yes that u say when u look in mirror
[2021-02-06 18:30:23] tina: dou snap for justice
[2021-02-06 18:30:23] <>: FIXAO... FANTASMAS NO MEU QUARTO
[2021-02-06 18:30:25] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: frog is mad
[2021-02-06 18:30:57] <>: What is snap?
[2021-02-06 18:31:16] Tomahawk (URU): snap chat?
[2021-02-06 18:31:24] tina: omg
[2021-02-06 18:31:25] <>: oh
[2021-02-06 18:31:27] <>: oh
[2021-02-06 18:31:39] BATTLE FROG: eastkoast kustom ur worthlesss
[2021-02-06 18:31:41] <>: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do you have tina?
[2021-02-06 18:32:24] <>: ya sou pegador de gordinhas safadas agora hahah
[2021-02-06 18:32:34] <>: tenham inveja haha
[2021-02-06 18:32:51] Tomahawk (URU): hahaa
[2021-02-06 18:33:15] Mav3ricK: filho da puta agora sim entendo
[2021-02-06 18:33:30] <>: HAHAHHAHA
[2021-02-06 18:33:33] <>: WTF
[2021-02-06 18:33:46] <>: BR DISFARADO
[2021-02-06 18:33:49] Mav3ricK: lol thats a meme here
[2021-02-06 18:33:51] Tomahawk (URU): esa garotinha gostosa
[2021-02-06 18:33:55] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: loil
[2021-02-06 18:33:59] <>: ksksksk
[2021-02-06 18:34:11] tina: what he say?
[2021-02-06 18:34:23] Tomahawk (URU): pin portuguese
[2021-02-06 18:34:49] <>: tina pass your snap? baby
[2021-02-06 18:34:53] BATTLE FROG: paranoid you are absolutely nothing
[2021-02-06 18:34:56] tina: omg
[2021-02-06 18:35:08] paranoid: yes that what u say when u look in the mirror
[2021-02-06 18:35:46] tina: when i look in mirra i go WOW
[2021-02-06 18:36:14] <>: tina pass your snap now!!!
[2021-02-06 18:36:53] <>: bois aprendem com o gado aqui
[2021-02-06 18:37:03] tina: what say
[2021-02-06 18:37:32] Tomahawk (URU): he want your snapchat
[2021-02-06 18:38:00] tina: ud say omg
[2021-02-06 18:38:02] paranoid: ahahahahaha frog
[2021-02-06 18:38:13] BATTLE FROG: pranoid i wish that you lose everything you ave
[2021-02-06 18:38:40] <>: o que ela dises camarada?
[2021-02-06 18:38:43] paranoid: starting by ou my big fan
[2021-02-06 18:38:52] tina: u can taste eveything i have
[2021-02-06 18:39:25] <>: canibal?
[2021-02-06 18:39:58] tina: all u can eat
[2021-02-06 18:40:17] <>: hmmm hot fat e-girl, i agree
[2021-02-06 18:40:20] EoK Kustom your face78#: haha i dont see you xin
[2021-02-06 18:40:41] Hetjan: NS
[2021-02-06 18:40:53] tina: thx
[2021-02-06 18:41:00] <>: :D
[2021-02-06 18:41:02] Tomahawk (URU): fk
[2021-02-06 18:41:15] <>: NOW PASS YOUR SNAPCHAT!!!
[2021-02-06 18:41:27] tina: omg
[2021-02-06 18:41:31] Tomahawk (URU): phantom stolen
[2021-02-06 18:41:54] =KGC= Terry Yaki: where is he now?
[2021-02-06 18:41:56] tina: let us take off man
[2021-02-06 18:42:08] Mav3ricK: ok
[2021-02-06 18:42:18] <>: ;-;
[2021-02-06 18:42:32] Hetjan: :)
[2021-02-06 18:42:36] <>: errei o pau quando mijei, fiz merda ;-;
[2021-02-06 18:43:16] tina: come on
[2021-02-06 18:43:58] tina: stop
[2021-02-06 18:44:05] tina: right now
[2021-02-06 18:44:26] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: to island
[2021-02-06 18:44:41] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: help island
[2021-02-06 18:45:09] tina: help me snap char
[2021-02-06 18:45:36] <>: "char" - tIna, 2021
[2021-02-06 18:45:48] tina: chat damit
[2021-02-06 18:45:52] tina: dammit
[2021-02-06 18:47:17] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: wooohooooooooooooooo
[2021-02-06 18:47:23] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: hahaha
[2021-02-06 18:47:41] <>: injustice for nofap
[2021-02-06 18:47:51] paranoid: ahahaha frog
[2021-02-06 18:47:57] BATTLE FROG: what hahaah
[2021-02-06 18:47:59] BATTLE FROG: ur nothing
[2021-02-06 18:48:09] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: ahahahah
[2021-02-06 18:48:20] <>: PAAAAARRRRRRRRA DE SER GAY MARCEBO
[2021-02-06 18:48:30] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: last nullet
[2021-02-06 18:48:34] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: lbullet
[2021-02-06 18:48:51] <>: "nullet"
[2021-02-06 18:49:02] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: dr. nullinger
[2021-02-06 18:49:27] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: phantomas
[2021-02-06 18:49:56] <>: Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[2021-02-06 18:50:35] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: sry
[2021-02-06 18:50:42] <>: ahhaha
[2021-02-06 18:50:42] tina: COME ON
[2021-02-06 18:50:58] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: sry
[2021-02-06 18:51:17] Tomahawk (URU): wtf
[2021-02-06 18:51:24] tina: im gonna tell ur momma
[2021-02-06 18:51:27] $nakedoctor: morning ladies
[2021-02-06 18:51:44] <>: snake
[2021-02-06 18:51:49] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: mid flag
[2021-02-06 18:51:52] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: bridge
[2021-02-06 18:51:55] <>: snake crying
[2021-02-06 18:53:09] BATTLE FROG: paranoid ur nothing rememebr that
[2021-02-06 18:53:37] <>: n o t h i n g
[2021-02-06 18:53:54] $nakedoctor: ignore 2
[2021-02-06 18:54:05] <>: hahahha
[2021-02-06 18:54:59] <>: K
[2021-02-06 18:55:26] <>: WWWWWEEEEEEEE WIN
[2021-02-06 18:56:20] tina: i have to tinkle

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