Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps v1.21 - Operation Irving - 2021-01-15 17:50:18 Chatlog
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[2021-01-15 17:51:45] Ba$$to$$: gore you have an android phone?
[2021-01-15 17:51:59] =KGC= Terry Yaki: he never had a phone
[2021-01-15 17:52:24] paranoid: arbeit macht frei
[2021-01-15 17:52:30] tina: i have a android remote toy
[2021-01-15 17:52:45] EoK Kustom your face78#: ha daccord cest un shleu
[2021-01-15 17:53:29] paranoid: hahaha
[2021-01-15 17:53:34] paranoid: rage
[2021-01-15 17:53:52] Ba$$to$$: Eok tu sais quel ets mon mtier?
[2021-01-15 17:53:56] =KGC= Terry Yaki: para why do you troll players?
[2021-01-15 17:54:05] =KGC= Terry Yaki: hard enough to ge guys in and you troll
[2021-01-15 17:54:06] EoK Kustom your face78#: forgerpn,
[2021-01-15 17:54:15] EoK Kustom your face78#: forgeron
[2021-01-15 17:54:21] Ba$$to$$: non lol
[2021-01-15 17:54:34] EoK Kustom your face78#: he non je rigole pas en plus
[2021-01-15 17:54:34] Ba$$to$$: je suis dveloppeur de jeux
[2021-01-15 17:54:46] EoK Kustom your face78#: serieux?
[2021-01-15 17:54:49] Ba$$to$$: ha cool
[2021-01-15 17:55:00] Ba$$to$$: j'tais soudeur avant ^^
[2021-01-15 17:55:35] Ba$$to$$: tu forge quoi?
[2021-01-15 17:55:45] -[HELLO]-Vmax: lol
[2021-01-15 17:56:04] =KGC= Terry Yaki: oops
[2021-01-15 17:56:07] EoK Kustom your face78#: coutellerie et outil de coupe
[2021-01-15 17:56:12] tina: lol
[2021-01-15 17:56:16] Ba$$to$$: excellent!
[2021-01-15 17:56:20] EoK Kustom your face78#: chez moi
[2021-01-15 17:56:28] paranoid: merde
[2021-01-15 17:56:31] Ba$$to$$: tu as un site?
[2021-01-15 17:56:36] EoK Kustom your face78#: au travail je fais de la ferronnerie
[2021-01-15 17:56:37] OneEye: ouch
[2021-01-15 17:56:44] EoK Kustom your face78#: non
[2021-01-15 17:57:03] Ba$$to$$: ok dommage j'aurais bien aim voir tes oeuvres
[2021-01-15 17:57:16] tina: gore try take my choppa
[2021-01-15 17:57:19] =KGC= Terry Yaki: im having steak deBurgo tonight
[2021-01-15 17:57:22] EoK Kustom your face78#: ca va venir je suis en train de retaper une ferme
[2021-01-15 17:57:28] =KGC= Terry Yaki: who was Tina?
[2021-01-15 17:57:32] Ba$$to$$: les trempes j'admire a
[2021-01-15 17:57:32] tina: can i have sum too?
[2021-01-15 17:57:32] Nagi Tanka: oh
[2021-01-15 17:57:35] EoK Kustom your face78#: et je vais faire mon atelier dedans
[2021-01-15 17:57:39] Nagi Tanka: by mutti
[2021-01-15 17:57:46] EoK Kustom your face78#: cest technique oui
[2021-01-15 17:58:10] Ba$$to$$: je soudais l'allu
[2021-01-15 17:58:17] Ba$$to$$: j'ai jamais appri forger
[2021-01-15 17:58:26] Ba$$to$$: mais a m'a toujours interress
[2021-01-15 17:58:37] tina: upper lip jam
[2021-01-15 17:58:43] EoK Kustom your face78#: jai fais une ecole dans le jura
[2021-01-15 17:59:17] EoK Kustom your face78#: avant j'etais carrossier
[2021-01-15 17:59:36] Ba$$to$$: a cot en passion je dveleppais des jeux flash
[2021-01-15 17:59:47] x4|Al Gore: Taliban pilot
[2021-01-15 18:00:03] Ba$$to$$: puis j'ai dev un jeu pendnat 3 ans avec unity
[2021-01-15 18:00:09] paranoid: THE BEST ONES
[2021-01-15 18:00:19] =KGC= Terry Yaki: toss can you help us?
[2021-01-15 18:00:22] Ba$$to$$: et depuis j'ai eu un poste dans un studio
[2021-01-15 18:00:23] EoK Kustom your face78#: baleze
[2021-01-15 18:00:41] EoK Kustom your face78#: et tu joue a bfv ^^
[2021-01-15 18:01:00] Ba$$to$$: oui c le seul jeu auquel je joue quand j'ai du temps
[2021-01-15 18:01:04] Ba$$to$$: souvent apres le taf
[2021-01-15 18:01:09] EoK Kustom your face78#: ca reste le meilleur
[2021-01-15 18:01:11] =KGC= Terry Yaki: figured there would be 20 on
[2021-01-15 18:01:13] EoK Kustom your face78#: oui pareil
[2021-01-15 18:01:31] EoK Kustom your face78#: je joue a rien d'autre
[2021-01-15 18:01:39] paranoid: HAHA TS
[2021-01-15 18:01:55] Ba$$to$$: si tu veux tester mon jeu tu vas sur
[2021-01-15 18:02:06] =KGC= Terry Yaki: are you guys talking dirty?
[2021-01-15 18:02:23] EoK Kustom your face78#: cool je jeterais un oeil
[2021-01-15 18:02:36] =KGC= Terry Yaki: starsheep tells me something
[2021-01-15 18:02:37] tina: i hope they are
[2021-01-15 18:02:53] Ba$$to$$: c'ets un jeu de foot avec des dinosaures et tu peus piloter des
[2021-01-15 18:02:59] Ba$$to$$: helicos pour marquer avec
[2021-01-15 18:03:16] EoK Kustom your face78#: haha enorme
[2021-01-15 18:04:06] paranoid: merde
[2021-01-15 18:04:44] x4|Al Gore: lol
[2021-01-15 18:04:51] paranoid: no
[2021-01-15 18:05:08] tina: no blow it
[2021-01-15 18:05:08] Teodor: Hi all
[2021-01-15 18:05:12] x4|Al Gore: hi
[2021-01-15 18:05:13] EoK Kustom your face78#: hi
[2021-01-15 18:05:14] Teodor: and happear
[2021-01-15 18:05:16] tina: hey teddy bears
[2021-01-15 18:05:37] Teodor: and happy new
[2021-01-15 18:05:58] x4|Al Gore: Happy new year Teddy
[2021-01-15 18:05:59] paranoid: tina do u have discord?
[2021-01-15 18:06:21] tina: i only have disco
[2021-01-15 18:06:40] paranoid: whats that
[2021-01-15 18:06:55] -[HELLO]-Vmax: do you guys ever chat in discord while playing?
[2021-01-15 18:07:11] paranoid: i only join if someone is in it
[2021-01-15 18:07:17] Teodor: I was thinking we can speak
[2021-01-15 18:07:28] paranoid: GNR was yesterday
[2021-01-15 18:07:31] tina: i cant go on that
[2021-01-15 18:07:31] paranoid: icekater also
[2021-01-15 18:07:50] -[HELLO]-Vmax: i do as well
[2021-01-15 18:08:27] paranoid: bamus
[2021-01-15 18:09:11] =KGC= Terry Yaki: pit me up al
[2021-01-15 18:09:15] =KGC= Terry Yaki: pick me up
[2021-01-15 18:09:18] tina: stolen cobra
[2021-01-15 18:09:23] tina: hey f4
[2021-01-15 18:09:27] paranoid: hahahaha
[2021-01-15 18:09:29] -[HELLO]-Vmax: huey
[2021-01-15 18:09:35] =KGC= Terry Yaki: no worries
[2021-01-15 18:09:40] =KGC= Terry Yaki: would have kill me
[2021-01-15 18:10:08] =KGC= Terry Yaki: hi teddy
[2021-01-15 18:10:12] paranoid: ez
[2021-01-15 18:10:21] tina: stole me boat too
[2021-01-15 18:11:44] =KGC= Terry Yaki: tina where is your box?
[2021-01-15 18:11:50] paranoid: burn
[2021-01-15 18:13:05] paranoid: bamus
[2021-01-15 18:13:08] Teodor: I transport our tank in the vilage
[2021-01-15 18:13:19] =KGC= Terry Yaki: thank you Teddy
[2021-01-15 18:13:24] Ba$$to$$: "bamus"
[2021-01-15 18:13:27] paranoid: hahha
[2021-01-15 18:13:32] -[HELLO]-Vmax: box dead
[2021-01-15 18:13:34] Teodor: :D
[2021-01-15 18:13:44] =KGC= Terry Yaki: tina
[2021-01-15 18:14:39] tina: omg
[2021-01-15 18:14:41] =KGC= Terry Yaki: run
[2021-01-15 18:14:48] paranoid: this map is endless
[2021-01-15 18:14:56] tina: i got jon real good
[2021-01-15 18:15:04] paranoid: hahaha over lips?
[2021-01-15 18:15:35] tina: smother
[2021-01-15 18:16:08] tina: dammit
[2021-01-15 18:16:17] =KGC= Terry Yaki: sup tinas
[2021-01-15 18:16:27] =KGC= Terry Yaki: box must be back
[2021-01-15 18:17:13] paranoid: kill those sa7
[2021-01-15 18:17:51] Nagi Tanka: allll gore wollte jaaaaa...
[2021-01-15 18:18:05] Nagi Tanka: mits schwert
[2021-01-15 18:18:18] tina: im wearing wool underpants today
[2021-01-15 18:18:27] tina: kida itchy
[2021-01-15 18:18:38] paranoid: down
[2021-01-15 18:18:52] -[HELLO]-Vmax: extra strong gusset Tina?
[2021-01-15 18:19:55] tina: yes
[2021-01-15 18:20:10] tina: extra asorb
[2021-01-15 18:20:15] tina: ab
[2021-01-15 18:20:21] =KGC= Terry Yaki: quilted Charmin tina?
[2021-01-15 18:20:25] paranoid: hahahaha
[2021-01-15 18:20:31] tina: lol
[2021-01-15 18:21:04] paranoid: runnnnnnnnnnnnn ahahaa
[2021-01-15 18:21:29] Teodor: MAIN
[2021-01-15 18:21:39] tina: no main ok
[2021-01-15 18:21:57] Ba$$to$$: Vmax is it allowed to suicide many times?
[2021-01-15 18:22:03] Ba$$to$$: to get back the f4?
[2021-01-15 18:22:19] Ba$$to$$: after a player jumped from hit tok ill a player on the floor?
[2021-01-15 18:22:19] tina: i made gore sore
[2021-01-15 18:22:19] -[HELLO]-Vmax: no rule against it
[2021-01-15 18:22:26] Ba$$to$$: ok
[2021-01-15 18:22:35] paranoid: hahaha crying to admin
[2021-01-15 18:22:53] paranoid: burn cong
[2021-01-15 18:23:02] Ba$$to$$: not crying just asking
[2021-01-15 18:23:08] Ba$$to$$: so now ill do it too
[2021-01-15 18:23:28] -[HELLO]-Vmax: suicide is a good tactic for protecting mains when attacked
[2021-01-15 18:23:55] Ba$$to$$: sisnt know it was allowed to do it many times
[2021-01-15 18:24:02] tina: u sure?
[2021-01-15 18:24:04] Ba$$to$$: *didn't
[2021-01-15 18:24:06] Teodor: its an old japanese tactic
[2021-01-15 18:24:13] -[HELLO]-Vmax: lol
[2021-01-15 18:24:13] Ba$$to$$: lol sure
[2021-01-15 18:24:21] paranoid: burnnnnnnd
[2021-01-15 18:24:21] C|BR|OCoveiro: hill
[2021-01-15 18:24:43] C|BR|OCoveiro: after bridge
[2021-01-15 18:26:10] EoK Kustom your face78#: lol nice
[2021-01-15 18:26:19] paranoid: tunnel behind temple
[2021-01-15 18:26:23] paranoid: or is our box?
[2021-01-15 18:26:45] paranoid: ya our box
[2021-01-15 18:26:59] Teodor: our box is thre
[2021-01-15 18:27:21] paranoid: ahahaha
[2021-01-15 18:27:23] Teodor: since I am here I only play with teh CHinook
[2021-01-15 18:27:25] paranoid: pooor sa7
[2021-01-15 18:27:30] Teodor: transporting tank and box
[2021-01-15 18:27:32] Teodor: :D
[2021-01-15 18:28:10] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: BURRRRRRRRRNNNN
[2021-01-15 18:28:39] paranoid: ok im coming
[2021-01-15 18:28:49] paranoid: where do u want hot sruff?
[2021-01-15 18:28:56] Ba$$to$$: lol
[2021-01-15 18:28:58] tina: omg toss
[2021-01-15 18:29:55] tina: worse than meat toss
[2021-01-15 18:30:28] Ba$$to$$: you should record it
[2021-01-15 18:30:30] paranoid: hahaha
[2021-01-15 18:30:50] paranoid: burn burn
[2021-01-15 18:31:06] Nagi Tanka: forward
[2021-01-15 18:31:16] Nagi Tanka: die sind alle in den ruinen
[2021-01-15 18:31:25] tina: jon found me
[2021-01-15 18:31:45] tina: a bit naughty jon?
[2021-01-15 18:31:51] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: ahahaha
[2021-01-15 18:34:25] paranoid: bamus
[2021-01-15 18:34:26] tina: i have no body oder at all today. none.
[2021-01-15 18:34:56] -[HELLO]-Vmax: smells like you are baking a tuna cassarole
[2021-01-15 18:35:02] =KGC= Terry Yaki: LOL
[2021-01-15 18:35:06] tina: lol
[2021-01-15 18:35:17] tina: maybe the cheese went bad
[2021-01-15 18:35:19] =KGC= Terry Yaki: tina you must have the virus
[2021-01-15 18:35:27] =KGC= Terry Yaki: no smell - can you taste
[2021-01-15 18:35:34] tina: yes
[2021-01-15 18:36:12] Ba$$to$$: dot g3
[2021-01-15 18:36:34] Teodor: our box
[2021-01-15 18:36:39] =KGC= Terry Yaki: TIRED Of running all over thi smap
[2021-01-15 18:37:01] tina: server crash?
[2021-01-15 18:39:14] tina: para is after me
[2021-01-15 18:39:41] tina: he saw my big knees
[2021-01-15 18:39:42] OneEye: AHH gORE
[2021-01-15 18:40:36] OneEye: .
[2021-01-15 18:40:40] x4|Al Gore: sorry buddy
[2021-01-15 18:40:57] tina: 8cm diameter knee caps
[2021-01-15 18:41:14] Batman: m
[2021-01-15 18:41:31] -[HELLO]-Vmax: lol
[2021-01-15 18:41:52] Nagi Tanka: denk an mich
[2021-01-15 18:41:56] Nagi Tanka: :-)
[2021-01-15 18:42:51] x4|Al Gore: gg

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