Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Landing zone Albany - 2022-02-05 17:52:17 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2022-02-05 17:54:54] Petter-PANG!: wtf
[2022-02-05 17:55:46] Bee: rude
[2022-02-05 17:56:35] Jum_P: red main
[2022-02-05 17:56:38] Bee: sir stop
[2022-02-05 17:57:48] Bee: step it up dtk
[2022-02-05 17:57:53] Bee: ur teams getting whacked
[2022-02-05 17:57:59] dtk: no
[2022-02-05 17:58:07] Jum_P: btr to red main
[2022-02-05 17:58:37] Bee: armor to farm flag
[2022-02-05 17:59:41] Bee: box up
[2022-02-05 17:59:48] dtk: no it isnt
[2022-02-05 17:59:51] dtk: lies
[2022-02-05 17:59:59] Teodor: we just need a BTR to rearm them
[2022-02-05 18:00:04] Teodor: not needed to destroy it
[2022-02-05 18:00:14] x4|Al Gore: ok
[2022-02-05 18:00:29] Skillz: lets end this nightmare
[2022-02-05 18:00:32] Gra$$HoPPer: sry ask
[2022-02-05 18:00:50] Bee: so many targets
[2022-02-05 18:00:54] Bee: what nightmare
[2022-02-05 18:00:58] Bee: best map in game right here
[2022-02-05 18:01:20] HueyBob: god no, Hastings all the way
[2022-02-05 18:01:27] x4|Al Gore: autoswitchado
[2022-02-05 18:01:27] Nagi Tanka: shit map
[2022-02-05 18:01:44] Kickapoo: hard on the knees
[2022-02-05 18:02:00] Rbilly: lol
[2022-02-05 18:02:23] dtk: im losing my marbles
[2022-02-05 18:02:28] Bee: why sir
[2022-02-05 18:02:39] dtk: bee im going say the bad words
[2022-02-05 18:02:40] x4|Al Gore: mortar wars revend of the sixth
[2022-02-05 18:02:56] Bee: do it
[2022-02-05 18:03:22] dtk: i havent lost all my marbles just yet
[2022-02-05 18:03:37] Bee: i got knifed
[2022-02-05 18:03:43] Kommissar Klaus: yes you did
[2022-02-05 18:03:48] Bee: wont happen again
[2022-02-05 18:03:53] Bee: i am god
[2022-02-05 18:03:56] Kommissar Klaus: we'll see
[2022-02-05 18:04:11] dtk: LET ME RELOAD YOU SCRUB!
[2022-02-05 18:04:46] Bee: naw
[2022-02-05 18:04:53] Bee: your score dtk
[2022-02-05 18:05:08] dtk: I HAVEN'T PLAYED IN 6 FUCKING YEARS
[2022-02-05 18:05:25] Bee: and your not on my team
[2022-02-05 18:05:42] Bee: sit ol boy
[2022-02-05 18:05:47] dtk: look what you made me do
[2022-02-05 18:05:54] dtk: i say the bad thing
[2022-02-05 18:06:15] Teodor: somebody spot with bnocular LZ C
[2022-02-05 18:06:28] Teodor: red main
[2022-02-05 18:06:38] dtk: mortar spam left and right
[2022-02-05 18:06:42] dtk: TRY SOMETHING NEW
[2022-02-05 18:07:26] Nagi Tanka: good night sweetys
[2022-02-05 18:07:30] Bee: !addtickets
[2022-02-05 18:07:35] x4|Al Gore: guten night
[2022-02-05 18:07:47] Nagi Tanka: buzzi
[2022-02-05 18:08:09] Nagi Tanka: kommr bald wieder
[2022-02-05 18:08:13] dtk: alright im absolutely done
[2022-02-05 18:08:19] Bee: hehehe
[2022-02-05 18:08:22] dtk: bye everyone see in 6 years
[2022-02-05 18:08:34] Norge for HIZAKI: b

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